
Showing posts from July, 2021

Environmental Stressors

Welcome to my Stress Management Re view. Unresolved stress causes the body to malfunction, and is the underlying cause of most diseases. After you read this information, you will understand why. The places where you work, rest and play may be subj ect to environmental stressors (ElectroMagnetic radiation and/or geological disturbances). If your health condition developed or worsened after you, moved house, changed job or renovated, Geopathic Stress (GS) is probably the cause. Also many building projects, businesses and homes have been abandoned because of Geopathic (geological – pathogenic) Stress. Many health practitioners report that patients exposed to GS during periods of sleep, rest or work, do not respond to treatment until the cause of the stress is resolved. Cases of chronic fatigue, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, infertility and cot death have been linked to the presence of geostress. Many people have been forced to abandon their homes and business